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Posts posted by NemeSyS

  1. puteti sa-l modificati ina sa fel cand moare sa ii de-a s respawn automat il locul unde a murit , si timp de 10 sec sa aibe goodmode !


    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <amxmisc>
    #include <cstrike>
    #include <fun>
    #include <hamsandwich>
    #include <engine>

    #define FLAG "t"

    new jumpnum[33] = 0
    new bool:dojump[33] = false
    new cvar_vip_health, cvar_vip_armor, cvar_vip_jumps

    new const model[] = "bb_vip_skin"

    public plugin_init()
    register_plugin("[bB] Vip", "1.0", "alex ownage")

    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "PlayerSpawn", 1)

    register_event("DeathMsg", "PlayerKill", "a")

    cvar_vip_armor = register_cvar("bb_vip_spawn_armor", "100")
    cvar_vip_health = register_cvar("bb_vip_spawn_health", "200")
    cvar_vip_jumps = register_cvar("bb_vip_max_jumps", "1")

    register_message(get_user_msgid("ScoreAttrib"), "TabVIP")

    register_clcmd("say /vip", "sayVIP")
    register_clcmd("say /vips", "OnlineVIPS")

    public plugin_precache()
    new Model[64]
    formatex(Model, charsmax(Model), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", model, model)


    public PlayerKill()
    static k; k = read_data(1)
    static v; v = read_data(2)

    if(get_user_flags(k) & read_flags(FLAG))
    if(k == v)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    if(get_user_health(k) == 200)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    set_user_health(k, get_user_health(k) + 20)


    public TabVIP(iMsgId, iDest, iReciver)
    new iPlayer = get_msg_arg_int(1)

    if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) & read_flags(FLAG))
    set_msg_arg_int(2, ARG_BYTE, (1<<2))

    public PlayerSpawn(id)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
    if(get_user_flags(id) && read_flags(FLAG))
    if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT)

    set_user_health(id, get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_health))
    set_user_armor(id, get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_armor))
    cs_set_user_model(id, "bb_skin_vip")


    public sayVIP(id)
    new Dir[64], File[64]

    get_configsdir(Dir, charsmax(Dir))

    formatex(File, charsmax(File), "%s/vip.txt", Dir)

    ColorChat(id, "!x04[bB] !x03Eroare in deschiderea fisierului !x04vip.txt")
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    show_motd(id, File)


    public OnlineVIPS(id)
    new AdminNames[33][32], Message[256]
    new Count, i, len

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    if(get_user_flags(id) & read_flags(FLAG))
    get_user_name(id, AdminNames[Count++], 31)

    len = format(Message, 255, "!x04Gold Members: !x03")
    if(Count > 0)
    for(i = 0; i < Count; i++)
    len += format(Message[len], 255-len, "%s%s", AdminNames, i < (Count - 1) ? ", ":"")
    if(len < 96)


    ColorChat(id, Message)

    else {
    ColorChat(id, "!x04No Gold Members")


    public client_PreThink(id)
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

    new nbut = get_user_button(id)
    new obut = get_user_oldbutton(id)

    if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && !(get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND) && !(obut & IN_JUMP))
    if(get_user_flags(id) & read_flags(FLAG))
    if(jumpnum[id] < get_pcvar_num(cvar_vip_jumps))
    dojump[id] = true

    if((nbut & IN_JUMP) && (get_entity_flags(id) & FL_ONGROUND))
    jumpnum[id] = 0


    public client_PostThink(id)

    if(get_user_flags(id) & read_flags(FLAG))
    if(dojump[id] == true)
    new Float:velocity[3]
    entity_get_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
    velocity[2] = random_float(265.0,285.0)
    entity_set_vector(id,EV_VEC_velocity, velocity)
    dojump[id] = false


    stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) {
    new count = 1, players[32];
    static msg[191];
    vformat(msg, 190, input, 3);

    replace_all(msg, 190, "!x04", "^4");
    replace_all(msg, 190, "!x03", "^3");

    if(id) players[0] = id;
    else get_players(players, count, "ch"); {
    for(new i = 0; i < count; i++) {
    if(is_user_connected(players)) {
    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players);


    1. Nume : Zarnica

    2. Prenume : Costelus

    Vârstă : 17

    Primele 5 cifre din CNP (optional): dau in privat la troy daca e nevoie .... !

    Număr de postări(minim 50) : 54

    Prezintă-te : TM , 17 ani , 2 sv in comuniate ...  ! :D 

    Ai moderat și alte forumuri ? : Da

    Categoria pe care doreşti să o moderezi : Servere afiliate Counter strike 1.6

    Crezi că eşti potrivit pentru aceasta categorie? (Argumentează) : Da , pot ajuta cu modificariile categoriilor , si ce se mai cere in aceasta categorie ! in afara de DNS !

    Cu ce poţi îmbunătăţii această categorie : Cu mai cateva servere in plus probabil si aspect HTML daca voi avea aprobare

    Cât timp îţi petreci pe forum? : Mult 3-4 ore pe zi ! cu grad voi face mai multe ore !

    Alte lucruri de menţionat : Voi avea grija de categorie si voi maia duce servere !

    O poza cu tine(optional): x

    Prezinta-ne un tutorial: ... , N-am idee de tutorial, dar daca mi se cere  ceva pe privat , ofer cu mare placere ... !

  2. Joc : Counter Strike 1.6
    DNS dorit ( NUME.PCTecuci.Ro) :
    IP :
    Numar de SLOTuri : 32
    Modul jocului : Furien
    Firma HOSTING : Xtremehost
    Contact proprietar ( Y!M / Skype / STEAM ): costel_zarnica "Skype"
    Nume Detinatori : NemeSyS
    Link gametracker:
    Structura Subforum:



    [FURIEN] Regulament / Server Rules

    [FURIEN] Anunturi / Notifications
    [FURIEN] Absente-Retrageri / Absence & withdrawal
    [FURIEN] Schimbare nick
    [FURIEN]C ereri Admin si Slot / Admin & Slot Request
    [FURIEN] Cereri Upgrate / Upgrate Request
    [FURIEN] Reclamatii Admin / Raport admins
    [FURIEN] Cereri ban & Unban / Ban & Unban Requst
    [FURIEN] Propuneri si Sugestii / Suggestion
    [FURIEN] Discutii Libere / Chat
    [FURIEN] Concursuri Furien / Competition
    [FURIEN] [important] Boost
    [FURIEN] Cos de gunoi

  3. Numele Pluginului : /respawn

    Modul: Furien

    Descriere: Vreau un plugin care sa activeze modul respawn la Furien , activarea sa fie astel , 

    se scrie in chat '/respawn" dupa care sa de-a un meniu GEN

    1 - On

    2 - Off

    accesul sa fie cu flagul "9" , Multumesc Anticipat , sper ca ma-ti inteles ... !

  4. Model cerere unban


    1. Nick

    2. De ce ai primit ban ?

    3. De la cine ai primit ban ?

    4. Dovezi

    5. Alte detalii

    6. IP 

    7. Data si ora.


    Model cerere ban


    1. Nick-ul tau

    2. Nick reclamant

    3. Ce a facut ?

    4. Data si ora

    5. Dovezi 

    7. IP-ul reclamantului

  5. [Atentie]

    Aveti voie sa faceti cerere up, o singura data fiecare 2 saptamani , altfel cererea nu va fii luata in considerare !



    You are allowed to make a request, once every 2 weeks, otherwise the request will not be considered!


    P.s: the new request upgrade all rejected, cause the didn't wait at least 2 weeks


  6. Model admin request :

    1. Nick :
    2. Hours : 
    3. ID Y!M / STEAM
    4. How old are you? 
    5. You can donate ?
    6. How you can donate ?

    7. Apply for title : 

    8. You read the rules?

    Model slot request :

    1. Nick
    2. Hours
    3. How old are you?
    4. ID Y!M / STEAM
    5. You read the rules?


  7. Model cerere admin :


    1. Nick

    2. Ore jucate

    3. ID Y!M / STEAM

    4. Varsta

    5. Sunteti dispusi de o donatie ?

    5.1 Suma pe care o puteti dona ?

    5.2 Metoda prin care donati ?

    6. Gradul dorit

    7. Ati citit regulamentul?



    Model cerere slot :


    1. Nick

    2. Ore jucate

    3. Varsta

    4. ID Y!M / STEAM

    5. Ati citit regulamemtul?


    Se poate dona prin : transfer bancar , paypal , posta , sms , cod reincarcare , transfer credit .


  8. Counter-Terrorist [Anti-Furien]:


    -You Are not allowed to do TXT in the map (Slay/ban 10-30min)

    -you are not allowed to camp (Slay/Ban 10-30min)

    -You are allowed to use the silent walk (Shift) just when you want to go through a "HE" in the mode "Motion-Senzor" otherwise (Slay)

    -you are not allowed to make camp-zone (to repeat the same way more than 2 times,you must move in all the map) (slay/kick/Ban 10-30min)

    -When the round start you must leave the baza quickly (Slay/kick/ban 10-30min)

    -From Now,In the maps like de_cliff, you are allowed to use the armes on the ground)


    Terrorist [Furien]


    -You are not allowed to put more than 2he when you plant the C4 (Slay/kick)

    -In the last 30sec you must plant the C4,if you dont (Slay)


    Player RUles:


    -You are not allowed to use a bad language (Gag 1-10min),if you repeat the bad language after you receive gag (Ban 30min)

    -You are not allowed to comment the job of the admin and to disrespect him (Gag 1-5min)

    -You are not allowed to give restart after you receive gag (Ban 30min)

    -You are not allowed to use' any code (Ban permanent)

    -You are not allowed to make reclama for other sv (Ban permanent)

    -You are not allowed to make spam in the command u@ (kick/ban 30min)

    -You are not allowed to give the location of a player or where the bmb has been planted (gag 1-3min)

    -You are not allowed to make spam in the chat(Gag 1-5min)

    -You are not allowed to stay spec when the sv is full (Kick)

    (If you have read this,when you want to make a request,in the question "did you read the rules" you will answer with "I don't need to read rules" otherwise your request will be rejected!)


    Admin Rules:


    -All the admins have to post all their ban permanent for cod in the forum at the sectiun (Banlist)

    -You are not allowed to use a command on an other admin (Exception: amx_ss and Blind) (-2)

    -You are allowed to change the map just in the last 5min with the command amx_votemap (check /harti to dont repeat the same maps and ask the players for the maps they want) (Avertisement/-1)

    -You have to respect the other admins/players (-1)

    -You are not allowed to give ban direct for camp,you must give at least 2slay ( and explain to the player why he received slay) (-1/-2)

    -You have to be actif in the forum and the sv(if you wont be actif more than 3days without doing a request for the absence you will get remove)

    -you are not allowed to use spam with the admins command(-1 to remove)

    -you are not allowed to give your password to an other person! (remove)

    -just the admin who changed the map has to give restart in the first of the round  (Exception: if he changed the map and he didnt enter the other admins can give restart) (-1)

    -The restart must be just in the first round when all the players enter to the sv and when the first round finish! who gives restart for the reason "equilibria" or an other reason he will receive Down-grade!

    -You are not allowed to make spam with the commands amx_say/csay/tsay! You can use it just for the important things!(-1)

    -The fight between admins will be punished with -3 for both of the admins no matter who started,for any problem please contact the fondator or use the forum!

    -every admin have to stay spec to watch the campers/who use cod! (-1/-2)

    -When there's more than 3admins in the sv,every one of them must stay spec at least for 15min to rezolve the problems of the sv (-1/-2)

    -The admin who use amx_ss on a player he must wait 3min/5min max before he give him ban,in that time you must stay spec and explain to the player why and where and how he can give you the pictures! (-1)

    -The admins with beneficii have to play in the Loser Team to help him win!(-1/-3)


  9. Counter-Terrorist [Anti-Furien]:

    -Nu au voie pe texura hartii ( Slay / Ban 10-30 minute )
    -Nu au voie sa faca CAMP ( Slay / Ban 10-30 minute )
    -Nu au voie Silent Walk (Shift) decat atunci cand vor sa evite explozia unei grenade setate pe modul "motion-senzor" ( Slay )
    ​​​- Nu aveti voie sa faceti camp-zone ( Sa repetati acelasi traseu de mai multe ori, trebuie sa patrulati toata harta.) [ slay/ kick / ban 10- 30 minute ]
    - La fiecare inceput de runda trebuie sa iesiti din baza! ( slay/kick/ ban 10-30 minute)
    - De acum, pe hartile gen de_cliff, SUNT PERMISE ARMELE DIN CASA!

    Terrorist [Furien]

    -Nu au voie mai mult de 2 he la bomba ( Slay/kick )
    -In ultimule 30 secunde trebuie sa faceti tot posibilul sa plantati bomba ( Slay )

    Regulament Jucatori:

    -Este interzis folosirea limbajului vulgar ( Gag 1-10 minute ) , daca insista cu limbajul Ban 30 minute
    -Este interzis sa comentezi aiurea la un admin ( Gag 1-5 minute/ kick )
    -Este interzis sa dai retry dupa gag ( Ban 30 minute )
    -Este interzisa folosirea oricarui gen de cod/script ( Ban permanent )
    -Este interzis sa faceti reclama la alte servere ​, ( Ban permanent )
    -Este interzis abuzarea de u@ ( Kick / Ban 30 minute )
    -Nu aveti voie sa dati indicii despre locatia unui player, sau a x-ului unde este plantata bomba( Gag 1-3 minute )

    -Nu aveti voie sa faceti strafe mai mult de 3-5 sec (camp) aceasta regula se aplica playerilor cat si adminilor (slay/kick/ban 10-30minute)
    -Aveti obligatia de a respecta playerii si adminii serverului ( gag / kick / ban )

    -Este interzis spam-ul in chat ( Gag 1-5 minute )
    -​Este interzis sa stati spectatori cand e serverul full ( kick )
    ( Daca ati citit pana aici, la intrebarea " Ati citit regulamentul" de la sectiunea " cereri admin si sloturi" o sa raspundeti cu "
    N-am nevoie de regulament!". Altfel cererea o sa fie respinsa.

    Regulament Admini​:

    -Orice admin are obligatia de a posta toate banurile
    -Nu aveti voie sa folositi comenzi pe alti admini sau pe voi ( exceptie : amx_ss si blind pe alti admini ) [ de la -1 pana la remove in functe de gravitatea faptul ]
    -Aveti obligatia de a respecta adminii / playerii serverului. [ -1 ]
    -Mapa se schimba doar in ultimele 5 minute prin comanda amx_votemap ( verificati inainte folosind comanda /harti, pentru a nu se repeta aceleasi mape si intrebati playerii ce mape doresc !) [ Avertisment/ -1 ]
    -Banurile pentru camp nu se dau de la prima abatere , se dau după 2 slay-uri. ( exllicatii playerului respectiv ce a gresit) [ -1/ -2 ]
    -Fiecare admin are obligatia de a fi activ pe forum/server ( daca un admin va lipsi mai mult de 3 zile, fara a face cerere de absenta pe forum, va primi remove.)
    -Nu aveti voie sa abuzati de comenzi [ de la -1 pana la remove]
    -Nu aveti voie sa dati parola de la admin nimanui. [ remove ]
    -Doar adminul care a schimbat mapa va da restart la inceput de runda! ( exceptie in cazul in care uita/ nu mai e la joc) [ -1 ]
    - Restartul se da doar la inceput de runda ( ca sa intre toti playerii ) si dupa runda de incalzire, cine mai da restart pentru a "echilibra", sau orice alt motiv va lua down.
    -Nu abuzati de comenzile amx_say/ csay/tsay ! Se folosesc doar pentru a anunta ceva important. [ -1]
    - Certurile intre admini se pedepsesc cu -3 de fiecare parte indiferent cine incepe, pentru orice problema adresati-va fondatorilor sau folositi forumul.
    -Orice admin are obligatia de a sta spectator pe camperi si codati. [ -1 / -2 ]
    -Cand sunt mai mult de 3 admini on, vor sta cu randul cate 15 minute spectator pentru a se ocupa de eventualele probleme de pe server. [ - 1/ -2 ]
    - Adminul care foloseste comanda amx_ss pe un jucator, are obligatia de a astepta minim 3 minute/ maxim 5 pana a bana playerul respectiv, de asemenea este obligat sa stea spectator in acest timp si sa ii explice jucatorului : unde si cum sa prezinte pozele. [ -1 ]

    -Adminii cu beneficii au obligatia de a tine jocul in echilibru [ -1/-3 ]

    - Intre orele 22:00 - 10: 00 dimineata nu se va da ban pentru ( Camp / Limbaj/ Switch )  [ -1 / -2 ]

    - Adminii au obligatia de a fi activi minim 2 ore pe zi  [ Remove ] 

    - Adminii nu au voie sa aiba grad pe alt server de furien, in cazul in care este un server de clasic/ alt mod de c.s, au obligatia de a cere acordul unui fondator in legatura cu serverul respectiv . [ Remove ( Fara posibilitatea de a mai avea admin pe acest server) ]

  10. Joc : Counter Strike 1.6
    DNS dorit ( NUME.PCTecuci.Ro) :
    IP :
    Numar de SLOTuri : 32
    Modul jocului : Furien
    Firma HOSTING : Xtremehost
    Contact proprietar ( Y!M / Skype / STEAM ): costel_zarnica "Skype"
    Nume Detinatori : NemeSyS
    Link gametracker:
    Structura Subforum:



    [FURIEN] Regulament / Server Rules

    [FURIEN] Anunturi / Notifications
    [FURIEN] Absente-Retrageri / Absence & withdrawal
    [FURIEN] Schimbare nick
    [FURIEN]C ereri Admin si Slot / Admin & Slot Request
    [FURIEN] Cereri Upgrate / Upgrate Request
    [FURIEN] Reclamatii Admin / Raport admins
    [FURIEN] Cereri ban & Unban / Ban & Unban Requst
    [FURIEN] Propuneri si Sugestii / Suggestion
    [FURIEN] Discutii Libere / Chat
    [FURIEN] Concursuri Furien / Competition
    [FURIEN] [important] Boost
    [FURIEN] Cos de gunoi