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[Pitesti] Model cerere UPGRADE

1 post in this topic



 Nume :
 Gradul actual:
 Gradul dorit:
 Ore jucate :
 Pentru ce doresti acest grad?:
 Timp acordat forumului zilnic:
 ID Steam :
 Nume Teamspeak3/Skype :
 ID Skype :
 Vei dona pe viitor pentru a lua Upgrade?:

Conditii obligatorii

- Obligatoriu sa aveti Teamspeak3 / Skype
- Nu ma sacaiti la cap ca ati facut cererea si sa ma uit cand vreti voi pe ea  => primiti respins mai mult ca sigur
- Respecata modelul sau cererea va fi respinsa.
Sunteti obligati sa puneti link-ul cu orele jucate

- Cererile care nu indeplinesc criteriile de mai sus nu se vor lua in considerare.




 Name :

 Current grade:
 Desider grade:
 Hours played:
 What you want this degree?:

 Time allowed daily forum:

 ID Steam :
 Name Teamspeak3/Skype :
 ID Skype :
 You donate in the future to take Upgrade?:


Mandatory conditions:

- Mandatory to have Teamspeak3 / Skype
- No head bothers me that you made the request and to watch when you want on it  => most likely get rejected

- The atmospheric model or application will be rejected.

You are obliged to put link-ul played for hours

- Applications that do not meet the above criteria will not consider.


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